
Kathryn Heyman is an acclaimed author of six novels, including Captain Starlight’s Apprentice, and is the recipient of the CAL Author Fellowship, the Wingate, and Southern Arts (UK) Awards. Her work has been shortlisted for awards in Australia and the UK. Fury, her seventh book, is currently in development as a feature film. As the Founder of the Australian Writers Mentoring Program, Kathryn is a highly sought-after mentor, guiding writers toward a fruitful writing life. Her visionary skills and insights are invaluable.

Kathryn Heyman adalah seorang penulis enam novel yang telah mendapatkan pengakuan, termasuk Captain Starlight’s Apprentice, dan adalah seorang penerima CAL, Author Fellowship, the Wingate, dan Southern Arts (UK) Awards. Karyanya telah masuk daftar pendek berbagai penghargaan di Australia dan UK. Fury, buku ketujuhnya, sedang dikembangkan menjadi sebuah film feature. Sebagai pendiri Australian Writers Mentoring Program, Kathryn adalah seorang mentor yang sangat digemari, membimbing penulis untuk merintis kehidupan kepenulisan yang produktif. Keterampilan dan wawasan visioner yang ia miliki sangatlah berharga.

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