
Innosanto Nagara is an Indonesian author and illustrator known for several children’s books with social justice themes, notably the bestseller A is for Activist. His works, such as My Night in the Planetarium and M is for Movement, draw from his personal experiences growing up in Indonesia during the New Order era alongside his father, Ikranagara, a poet and playwright.

Innosanto Nagara adalah seorang penulis dan ilustrator Indonesia yang dikenal atas beberapa buku anak bertema keadilan sosial yang ia tulis, terutama bestseller A is for Activist. Karya-karyanya, seperti My Night in the Planetarium dan M is for Movement, didasarkan pada pengalaman pribadinya tumbuh dewasa di Indonesia ketika masa Orde Baru bersama ayahnya, Ikranagara, seorang penyair dan penulis drama.

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