
Hanna Ameera is a young Indonesian literacy advocate who currently attends Labschool Cibubur Elementary School. Born in 2012, she has accomplished numerous feats, such as establishing the Lampu Baca Literacy House, ABC Reading Club, and Koper Baca. Additionally, she has authored several children's books, including I Love Indonesia, Tasya and the Little Creatures, Miniko's Promise, Lampu Baca, Pen Pals, and The Guardian Angels.

Hanna Ameera adalah seorang pejuang literasi cilik Indonesia yang kini sedang belajar di Labschool Cibubur Elementary School. Lahir di 2012, ia telah meraih berbagai prestasi, seperti mendirikan Lampu Baca Literacy House, ABC Reading Club, dan Koper Baca. Selain itu, ia telah menulis beberapa buku anak-anak, seperti I Love Indonesia, Tasya and the Little Creatures, Miniko's Promise, Lampu Baca, Pen Pals, dan The Guardian Angels.

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