
Gita Fara is a renowned Indonesian film producer. She started her filmmaking journey at Set Film after graduating from University of Indonesia. Over the years, she has produced four acclaimed feature films that have garnered international recognition. Notably, The Seen and Unseen by Kamila Andini, produced by Gita in 2017, received numerous international awards, including the Grand Prix Award at Berlinale's Generation K Plus. She also produced Nyai in 2015, which premiered at the Torino Film Festival, and her latest work, Before, Now and Then by Kamila Andini in 2022, premiered at the Berlin International Film Festival. This film won the Silver Bear for Best Supporting Performance, Best Film at the Asia Pacific Screen Awards 2022, and five Citra awards at the 2022 FFI, including Best Feature Film. Gita, an alumna of Talents Tokyo 2016, currently serves on the Committee for Festival Film Indonesia from 2021 to 2023.

Gita Fara adalah seorang produser film Indonesia ternama. Ia memulai perjalanannya membuat film di Set Film setelah lulus dari Universitas Indonesia. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, ia telah memproduksi empat film feature yang mendapatkan pujian dan pengakuan mancanegara. Yang patut dicatat, The Seen and Unseen oleh Kamila Andini, diproduksi oleh Gita pada 2017, menerima berbagai penghargaan mancanegara, termasuk Grand Prix Award di Generation K Plus Berlinale. Ia juga memproduksi Nyai pada 2015, yang diputar perdana pada Torino Film Festival, dan karya terbarunya, Before, Now and Then oleh Kamila Andini pada 2022, diputar perdana di Berlin International Film Festival. Film ini memenangkan penghargaan Silver Bear untuk Best Supporting Performance, Best Film di Asia Pacific Screen Awards 2022, dan lima penghargaan Citra di FFI 2022, termasuk Best Feature Film. Gita, seorang lulusan Talents Tokyo 2016, kini menjabat sebagai anggota Dewan Festival Film Indonesia, dari 2021 hingga 2023.

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