Peter Godwin is a Zimbabwean author, journalist, screenwriter, documentary filmmaker, and former human rights lawyer. After working as a foreign correspondent for the Sunday Times and the BBC, Peter has authored six non-fiction books, including Mukiwa, which won the George Orwell Prize and the Esquire, Apple, and Waterstones award, and When a Crocodile Eats the Sun, which won the Borders Original Voices Award. His book, The Fear, was selected by the New Yorker as a best book of the year. Godwin has taught writing at Wesleyan and Columbia and served as President of the PEN American Center. His latest book is Exit Wounds: A Story of Love, Loss, and Occasional Wars.
Peter Godwin adalah seorang penulis, jurnalis, penulis skenario, pembuat film dokumenter, dan mantan pengacara hak asasi manusia asal Zimbabwe. Setelah bekerja sebagai koresponden luar negeri untuk Sunday Times dan BBC, Peter telah menulis enam buku nonfiksi, termasuk Mukiwa, yang memenangkan George Orwell Prize dan penghargaan dari Esquire, Apple, dan Waterstones. Buku lainnya, When a Crocodile Eats the Sun, meraih penghargaan Borders Original Voices Award. Bukunya yang berjudul The Fear dipilih oleh The New Yorker sebagai salah satu buku terbaik tahun ini. Godwin pernah mengajar menulis di Wesleyan dan Columbia serta menjabat sebagai Presiden PEN American Center. Buku terbarunya berjudul Exit Wounds: A Story of Love, Loss, and Occasional Wars.