
Rain Chudori, a nomadic author and curator, co-founded Peron House and runs Moment Studio. She is the curator of Comma Books, an imprint of Gramedia Publishing. Her notable books include Monsoon Tiger from 2015, Imaginary City from 2017, and Imaginary City: The Visual Novel from 2022. Chudori received Litri Grants from the National Book Committee and has appeared in renowned festivals and media channels like BBC, CNN, and Vice Media. She held the position of Art Omi’s NYC Scholarship Writer in Residence in 2019 and served as an Artist In Residence at Macushla Studio in 2022.

Rain Chudori, seorang penulis dan kurator nomadik, adalah salah seorang pendiri Peron House dan saat ini mengelola Moment Studio. Ia adalah kurator Comma Books, imprint dari Penerbit Gramedia. Buku-bukunya yang luar biasa termasuk Monsoon Tiger dari 2015, Imaginary City dari 2017, dan Imaginary City: The Visual Novel dari 2022. Chudori menerima Litri Grants dari Komite Buku Nasional dan telah diundang ke berbagai festival dan kanal media ternama seperti BBC, CNN dan Vice Media. Ia pernah menjadi Writer in Residence untuk NYC Scholarship Art Omi pada tahun 2019 dan seorang Artist in Residence di Macushla Studio pada tahun 2022.

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