
Omid Tofighian is an accomplished lecturer, researcher, and advocate with a keen interest in philosophy, citizen media, popular culture, displacement, and discrimination. He serves as an Adjunct Lecturer in the School of the Arts and Media at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), and holds the position of Honorary Research Associate for the Department of Philosophy at the University of Sydney. Additionally, he is a faculty member at Iran Academia and serves as the campaign manager for Why Is My Curriculum White? – Australasia. Omid’s impressive portfolio includes the publication of Myth and Philosophy in Platonic Dialogues. He gained recognition as the translator of Behrouz Boochani’s multi-award winning book, No Friend but the Mountains: Writing From Manus Prison, and as the Co-Editor of ‘Refugee Filmmaking’ in Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media in 2019

Omid Tofighian adalah seorang pengajar, peneliti dan pegiat dengan ketajaman minat di bidang filsafat, media warga, budaya pop, pengungsian, dan diskriminasi. Ia menjabat sebagai Dosen Pendamping di School of the Arts and Media di University of New South Wales (UNSW), dan memegang jabatan Honorary Research Associate untuk Departemen Filsafat University of Sydney. Lebih jauh lagi, ia juga merupakan anggota fakultas Iran Academia dan menjabat sebagai manajer kampanye untuk Why Is My Curriculum White? – Australasia. Portfolio Omid yang luar biasa mencakup penerbitan Myth and Philosophy in Platonic Dialogues. Ia mendapatkan pengakuan sebagai penerjemah buku Behrouz Boochani yang telah memenangkan berbagai penghargaan, No Friend but the Mountains: Writing From Manus Prison, juga sebagai salah satu editor artikel berjudul ‘Refugee Filmmaking’ dalam Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media pada 2019.

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