
Megan Nolan is an acclaimed Irish novelist. In 2021, her best-selling debut novel, Acts of Desperation, earned her the prestigious Betty Trask Award. Anticipation builds as her second novel, Ordinary Human Failings, is set to launch in 2023. Megan’s literary finesse extends beyond novels, with her works featured in esteemed publications such as The New York Times, The White Review, The Sunday Times, The Village Voice, The Guardian, and the literary anthology Winter Papers. She captivates audiences with readings and performances commissioned across the U.K. and Ireland, including notable venues like the Irish Museum of Modern Art, Goldsmiths Lit Live, Kunstraum Gallery, Cubitt Gallery, Wysing Arts Centre, and the South London Gallery.Supported by Embassy of Ireland, Indonesia.

Megan Nolan adalah seorang novelis Irlandia ternama. Pada 2021, novel perdananya yang terjual laris, Acts of Desperation, mengantarnya menjadi pemenang Betty Trask Award yang bergengsi. Para pembaca pun kian menantikan novel keduanya, Ordinary Human Failings, yang akan diluncurkan pada 2023. Kemahiran sastrawi Megan jauh melampaui karya-karya novel, dengan ragam tulisannya yang telah dimuat di penerbitan ternama semacam The New York Times, The White Review, The Sunday Times, The Village Voice, The Guardian, dan antologi sastrawi Winter Papers. Ia telah memukau banyak penonton dengan pembacaan dan penampilan yang telah dipesan di berbagai lokasi pertunjukan di UK dan Irlandia, termasuk pusat-pusat kesenian ternama seperti the Irish Museum of Modern Art, Goldsmiths Lit Live, Kunstraum Gallery, Cubitt Gallery, Wysing Arts Centre, dan the South London Gallery.Didukung oleh Kedutaan Besar Irlandia di Indonesia.

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