
Craig Batty is a screenwriter, author, researcher, story consultant and script editor. He has published 15 books on screenwriting, script development and media writing, as well as many other industry and academic articles. He is Executive Dean (Creative) at the University of South Australia, where he oversees teaching, research and engagement across all creative disciplines. He also supervises PhD students working on screenwriting and script development topics.

Supported and presented by The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre and UniSA Creative.

Craig Batty adalah seorang penulis layar, pengarang dan peneliti Australia yang ternama. Dia telah merilis 15 buku tentang penulisan layar dan media, pembuatan naskah serta artikel akademik. Saat ini, Batty memegang jabatan sebagai Executive Dean (Creative) di Universitas Australia Selatan, dimana ia mengawasi pengajaran, penelitian serta kolaborasi lintas jurusan kreatif. Lebih jauh lagi, Craig memegang gelar PhD dalam penulisan layar dan membimbing mahasiswa yang mengejar gelar PhD di bidang penulisan layar dan kreatif.

Didukung dan dipersembahkan oleh The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre dan UniSA Creative.

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