Satellite Events Mataram
25 October 2023 | 16:00 - 18:00
The House of KOJO, Mataram, Lombok Island.

Learn from Tanaïs, a creative force breaking boundaries across many industries. Hear about the remarkable independent perfumer's journey into writing, defying convention and telling the stories that matter. Explore the power of diverse voices and the importance of representation in literature.

 Supported by the US Embassy Jakarta and Komunitas Akarpohon. 

Mari belajar dari Tanaïs, sosok dengan daya kreatif yang mendobrak batasan-batasan lintas industri. Dengarkanlah kisah perjalanan pembuat parfum independen yang luar biasa ini dalam menulis, menggugat konvensi dan menuturkan kisah-kisah penting. Jelajahilah kekuatan dari suara-suara beragam dan pentingnya keterwakilan dalama sastra.

Didukung oleh US Embassy Jakarta dan Komunitas Akarpohon.

RELEVANT program

Satellite Events Mataram
24 October 2023 | 10:00 - 12:00
Mastering the Art of Writing: In Conversation with Louise... Institut Filsafat dan Teknologi Kreatif Ledalero, Maumere, Flores Island.
Louise Doughty, UK author of ten novels, gives insight into her unique approach to writing, dissecting the trickiest aspects of the craft into...
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