Art Exhibition
21 October 2023 | 10:00 - 22:00
Titik Dua
'Im/materiality' reflects the often-contradictory state of materiality in contemporary art: one deeply rooted in physical boundaries and contexts, yet often deconstructing and dissecting those very ideas through presentation. By showcasing the approaches of seven contemporary Indonesian artists, including Irene Febry, I Gede Sukarya, Alexander Sebastianus, Olen Riyanto, Aharimu, Sarita Ibnoe, and I Gusti Dalem, 'Im/materiality' illustrates how our examination of this tension between material and immaterial meaning, along with the impact of contemporary phenomena on the development and availability of global material culture, encourages a deeper exploration of contemporary art and artmaking.Exhibition

Dates: 21 October - 7 November
Opening Hours: 10:00 - 22:00

'Im/materialitas' menggambarkan keadaan materialitas yang seringkali kontradiktif dalam seni kontemporer: sesuatu yang berakar kuat pada batas-batas fisik dan konteks, namun seringkali mendekonstruksi dan membedah ide-ide tersebut melalui presentasi.Dalam pameran kali ini, Puri Art Gallery bekerja sama dengan Titik Dua Ubud menampilkan pendekatan tujuh seniman kontemporer Indonesia, antara lain Irene Febry, Gede Sukarya, Alexander Sebastianus, Olen Riyanto, Aharimu, Sarita Ibnoe, dan Gusti Dalem, menampilkan pendekatan proses dan perilaku terhadap makna material dan immaterial, serta dampak fenomena kontemporer terhadap perkembangan dan ketersediaan budaya material secara global, mendorong eksplorasi seni rupa dan seni rupa kontemporer lebih dalam.
Tanggal Pameran: 21 Oktober - 7 November
Jam Buka: 10:00 - 22:00

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